heey heyy

so yeah. read my blog. and enjoy it cuz you know if you didn't enjoy it it would probably be...UNENJOYAABLE! so yeah it's not really an option. you know im talking too much.

About Me

My photo
um...single.ahahaha.turtles breathe through their butts. oh yeah, make me a gay joke and i'll never smile sincerely at you agian. unless you're "allie". in which case ill just roll my eyes. not that she is special just people are like that...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

looking back

so anyway i'm really putting my ass into school now even though hunter says seventh grade doesn't matter..but here's the catch, they think that they can use reverse phycology on me but why even bother if i'm the master of reverse reverse phycology? ahhhhhha! yah i know i spelled phycology wrong...*imma fail*

And i don't know about you small school kids (get it...small SCHOOl as apposed to small TOWN hee hee) but the seniors in hunter are so big and hairy and drooly and jupiter and more stupider or whatever that rhyme is...

TABS! the secret to life! your parents will never discover you on facebook or blogger if you just tab it (hehhe manical grin, rubs fingers together)

anyhoo we have this class called community theather and it is mucho fun ^_^ and we have to write melodramas

def: overexagerated, totally unrealistic play

i'm having troble with inspiration


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yah so i haven't posted in a while but i've been playing cafe world in facebook lol it's so pathetic it's not even funny. my mom just freaked out because i left my lunch box on the floor so i'm risking my life by typing this aaaah!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

i miss you guys and am goign to take a bath my mom is freaking out on me um...i will try to get soe pics up on my facebook (alternatively you can checck h.g. fan.net, hayleygreenhill. com/myspace, my twitter or my office location right?) of china so you guys can see the other side of the park and maybe some hunter pics so you guys can see THAT other side of the park.
but perhaps i will see you guys sooner then you thought...just maybye.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


so now that all of you have facebboks i can take pictures from my phone and put them on my facebook for you lovelies(hee ha ho) to see. (to choclatier: people use "lovelies" so much on quizilla and i have no idea why) but there are so many cute dogs in china1! i took this picture of one which as soon as i'm not lazy[what's that word for not lazy? I keep thinking keen and then it's like no wait..not keen] i'll put it up here. oh oh oh i had a dream and rachie,choclatier, in the hay, shelly, milo, iolanthe, alice, my mom, gideon, lochner,andrew, declan, and owen were in it! it was so weird!! it's not like those are my favorite people but some of them were zombies and the rest had beards...lol. ooops.i tries to find a picture of this SUPERSUPERSUPER popular chinese popstar to show you guys that not attractive people can also have the fame!

Monday, May 25, 2009

shopping! i will drop until i shop!

so yeah im going to hit the mall today...im hoping i'll find some decent clothes that will actually fit me and none of those semi-skirt short things or those shirts that you think will look really good on you and then they fall off when you pu them on. or those shirts that you have to STRUGGLE to get off. have you ever tried on one of those????

so i reaaaly want to find a hot topic but it's never where i am! geezums!

Monday, May 18, 2009

so anyway

back to my music story. so anyway yeah i was really bored and just messing around since i iddn't feel like playing any of this serialism crap. so i was like "tucker...let's come up with codenames ok? I'm uh Apple muffin pie" and then later tucker is like stabbing me so im like "NO! IQUIT!" and then im like "omg it stands for amp." which it does. but then im like wait isn't that like aaron's band or something? so yeah hey if i sound really annoying from this post it's because im high of those sour things. those loooong sour sticks of joy...lol.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

so hey. i was looking at my scrapbook and i started it up again and it is so addicting! but i don't have those little photo corner things that u use to stick the pictures in so that's kind of annoying. yeah i hate when u really need to find something but its just not there. speaking of lost things i lost my mouse haaat! waaah! boo hoo! i miss it a lot. it lookedk ind ofl ike, hmm let me see if i can find a picture.
well it looked kinda like this except it was...well...a mouse. aah i have to keep up my labels im falling behind muffins in a basket!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

so i haven't posted about cmp speers yet ahve i? well im super excited but kind of worried about the bunks and the chaperones i mean like i don't want the parents to reveal what a perv i really am! *gasp* oh that reminds me, my research topic is pompeii right? and i hav this whole book about it and theirs this whole chapter called erotic pompeii and it is so funny. yeah its kind of the thing u would have to hae a really messed up mind to call funny. but its really bad trnslation so the graffiti on the walls is like "dracca fucks best" and "and that stuff u know what nevermind.

Friday, April 17, 2009


wow today is a heart attack day. first i discovered that my overdue cds were 180 frikin dollars! but then i returned them and i have my piano lesson in a couple ofminutes so  thats also kind of scary (gah what if i fall over? and my heart is pounding in my head so i might) well bye i have to go make sure i don't catch(?) cancer or something.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hoo boy!

hey everyone whats up? so as you can probably guess (or not) ive been pretty bored, just reading random manga books like ABSOLUTE BOYFRIEND! (gets all starry-eyed) and fruits basket (yeah whoa.. lots of life lessons, im going to have like a totally different outllok on life). and saying weird things to amuse myself. like here's my mom reaidng a book to bridget: "by the time he was 5, abe lincoln could swing an ax like a full-grown man." and this is me passing by: "wow! abe lincoln sounds like such a hunk! *O*" yeah i've DEFINITELY been reading too much manga like ie gotten into the habit or reading from right to left and it kind of mkes more sense that way...what's happening to me?!?! OH NO!!!

and oh yeah ive been killing time listening to z100..and i finally know what that song that's like
"well tell your boyfriend im a fucking vegeterian!" it's called don't trust me by 3!oh 3. yeah..ha.

Friday, April 10, 2009


maybe i won't go on a heartbreak this spring break. no but seriously! i'm already missing society! so how is everybody? i had to stay inside the first day and practice for my piano concert (which if you want to come feel free! it's like just me for 30 minutes which explains frantic rehearsing) but i did get some excersice-by dancing. and believe me...i cannot dance. but it makes me sweat. i was just hopping to random music. xD

Saturday, April 4, 2009

new yorkers r the weirdest ppl

omg i just noticed that if u really have nothing to do on a public bus in the afternoon then u should look at the people around u! its so fun. like there was this fat dad with his son and he was describing how austronauts go to the bath room.

"so when a astronaut goes to do the number 2 he squeezes it out but ti doen't go down the drain..it FLOATS. so then there's this vaccum and it sucks all the poo out and disposes it into outer space! how cool is that?" ...so i was really weirded out by that and then everybody around me was like texting on theri black berries and this guy put his phone and his ipod in his BACK POCKET! and was like who walks around new york like that? and then there was this guy with the SAME EXACT CONVERSESsitting right across from me! and i wanted to be like "hey, nice shoes, just i didn't get the chacnce.

see! aren't new yorkers interesting?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

ok guys! welcome to my shit pool of non lame ideas!(wait, isnt that self contradicring? oh whatever.)

okay, we should have like an annual update your blog day! see, i thought this up because i get really annoyed when i'm the only one updating or the only one not updating! we should al have something tp read when we go to edit out blogs and when i go to hunter it will be even more special because lets day if its on april 10. then instead of hanging out with my soon to be popular bitch of a friends i can blow off our movie night to edit my blog!

it may sound complicated, but i've really got it all worked out! mwahahaah! i mean...yay! people, we still have individual blogs remember? and is anybody actually doing that team spirit thing tomoroow? i don't wanna be the only one to show up in my too small 4 me anderson hoodie!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

ugh. i am so not looking forward to writing a BME today. like distrctions keep cropping up.like ill be on the road to recovery when Facebbok starts sending me these messages from superpoke. "Mr.mushi had won 50 superpoke coins! he was depressed but now he can spen them on new clothes and toys!" so yeah. which one did you guys do? the envoirment shaped early greeks or the other way around?

a blog name...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

so due to my promise.

OMG! i have not blogged! but uh..congratulations emma on your all new record of blogging. i wish icould tag you in my post...but i forgot...this isn't facebook! but anyway i just wanted to update you on my life.

okay. okay. okay. god, now i feel like the gir l in prep who has to say ok before giving a..i mean... licking a ice crem cone. but thats besides the point! something i reallly would love to know is why people have to be all like mysterious about how they feel about something. or someone. like i just get so annoyed when i cant figure out what a person is thinking! which is all the time! okay, so im not upset that i cant read shalnevet's brain or anything...but its so enfuriating when i really just want someone to be like "this is what i think abut you."

but now onto something less serious and more interesting! yeah!
i am so excited for camp speers like omg it sounds so fun. but we dont get to pick our "cabin mates" or who we bunk with. which sucks! if its by alphabetical order ill end up being in a pot of stew of little aisian girls! and iolanteh says shes more aisian then me? like what? i wanna be like "NO YOU"RE NOT AISIAN BECAUSE YOUR EYES ARENY SLANTD UPWARDS!" for all you racist ppl out there, chinese people dont look like that! but anyway...now i have to go check out choclatiers blog for updates. :P

Sunday, March 8, 2009


has it been forever? well it feels like it. i mean my last post was the 28th! jesus! but anyways, if you don't already know this :im going to hunter. sorry for bringing that subject up i know how much sum ppl hate it :P but anyways, im really sad about it too, like leaving anderson. im so scard that when i come back people will be like "oh hi. uh..i remmber you you're ol' ol' oh- what's your name again?" but you're getting 14 new people next year! (thanx claire) so be prepared for anaisian tidal wave! woo woo! sorry.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

so sos so!

hey hey hey! how was the ski trip? mandy said she missed me but what about the rest of you hayley groupies? haha, just kidding. now let's play a game. it's called : andswer all my questions.

1. how was the snow?

2. did anything funny happen that i would be so sorry i missed out on?

3. was the bus ride fun?

4. did anybody get hurt?


6. where were you at april 15th at 9:00?

7. was coach rob annoying as usual? (like talking ssooooo much and saying we wasted the time?)

8. if you didn't know how to ski did you learn?

okay folx. thats about it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

blogging olympic rules

note: from now on i will be labeling every post: asian. so when you come back in a well you'll think im self obsessed. Now on with more important stuff.

if you guys reaaaly actuaaly want to do this then lETS!

so while you guys are off having fun (may i mention it won;t be as fun withou- ) but anyway, i made rules or ideas or suggetions or whatever! for the blogging olympics.

now i hate carrying out my ideas so you guys have to actually like this idea. and give me some suggestions.

ROUnD !: who can write the most interesting post?

rules; is this lame? no? well my brain juice has....run dry so you and you give me some f......... ideas!

oh and people will vote by either commenting or voting on a poll but ithink commenting is better because you can only do it once...like polling as many times as you refresh it you can vote....ya know what i mena?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

and again I have 3 minutes to get to class..haha.  but i love you guys so ill update. no like THE LOVE I FEEL CANNOT WAIT. (this is your moment! MAKE THE MOVE!)

have you guys seen me lately? you know what's weird mandy? sometimes the only time i talk to you is through this blog. or when i have something to say..i mean not that i wouldnt talk without w=smething to say but aaah! your'e cnfusing me! and wat happened to my typing accuracy! i used to be like the wind! 

and might i say that aaron m. really pisses me off!l ike i strangled myslef today in science because of him. now not that's what i do most of the time...but he couldn't throw way a f..king paper towel. HE WAS TWO FEET AWAY FROM THE TRASH!

Friday, February 20, 2009

hello hello!

ok, despuite the fact that i have completely run dry of creative titles for my posts im still sitting in a deep pool of thought. (and hows that for a visual picture?!) so i was thinking. what if, what if...one day there's such thing as a blogging olympics? like there will be faceoffs of who can type more and still stay interesting! and...and ! we can have post topics and have a "annonymous judge" decide who is best! and nobody will cry. BECAUSE CRYING IS NOT A OPTION!

and there's this joke from orange county i want to share with you! (caution! may be offensive)

vicki; yay! im back at home with my people. (leans to lady nex to her) no, like you're literally my people, i love you guys!

jeana: ...

vicki: it feels so good to be with my people

jeana: (vein pops)

vicki; you guys are my people!

jeana: (in the panel later) vicki keeps going your my people, im back with my people. im sitting there going "who are you? hitler?" (laughs humorlessly)

im soooo sorry if that's offensive but it was funny....don't think im rude! (breaks down weeping ) i got a new smiley :V he's the oh-no guy.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

it's been so long

have you people realized how much music sucks these days?! like mucho much? i mean since when is "gives you hell" a good song? unless your face is damn ugly i don't think its going to petrify me...but anyways! today is valentin's day and i am detemined to be joyful. with a smile. a smile you frikin emos! is there something wrong with that?

i saw this video where the radio station is playing a game where the headphones are turned up really loud so you can't hear yourself and you have to sing that way..so it gets really hard to stay on tune but somehow david archuleta does it! his voice doesn't make me "omfg!" though... :P sorry for all you fan people... Y you guys! i already miss you... :( but that's okay because im going to make sure i see lot's of people this vacation.

and i watched the millionare matchmaker today...there's this pervert who wants to talk about...things. like the first thing he said when he walked into a crowd of women was "let's get drunk and talk about sex!" way to go dipshit! that really makes me want to get to know you...and he was obsessed with himself. "do you think im the hottest guy you've ever seen?" i just wanted to jump in the tv and slap that bitch. "fuck no! you look like MY ASs!"

i have issues. deal with it...sigh. if only i was normal. llala.

Friday, February 13, 2009

my 100th anniversary..i mean post.

hey guys? do you know what thisis ? my 100th post! let's have a collective "oMFG!" yeah, that's right! and this is right about where i start to go off on my "i miss everybody!" rant but this time i won't becuase i might be doing something exciting during vacation! yay! and im so mad that my group didn't sing during pharaoh elections! i mean i've already complained about tha but ERGH!
anyways im really down for break...endless relaxing and reading and stuff. and yes i still keep a diary but it's more like "omg! and guess what he said!"

and do you know what i really hate? when i make a fool out of myself...hmmm...i mean its bad enough when someone else embarasses you but to do it to yourself seems beyond common sense!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

ill be ur emo if you be my aneroxic

i just realized something...i haven't posted a picture in ages!
so here's michelle tratchenberg who is much prettier then taylor swift! i could go on and on and on about how even frozen shit is prettier than her but i won't.

(she's also one of those people who virtually any hair color looks good on and i feel so shallow becuase ive never seen her act...)
so anyway! ive been on facebook SO MUCH lately. My teacher thinks technology is the end of human civilization...we were built for communication! aaah! you know what...since we're standing right next to each other, why don't we TEXT? i won't call you up to say hi...ill write on your myspace! (which nobody uses anymore!)
OMG! Bridget keeps listening to avril lavinge...you know what? let me attempt her writing style.
i feel so small
without you at all
becuase i will fall
down a wall
which is as hard as your heart!
(screamo goes: its so damn painful!)
no seriously...her writing is like SOMEBODYS cursing...bad. for example:
"stop it! you assfuck!"
lol...i have bad humor spasms...i CONVULSE!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

valentine dance + urban out fitters= somewhat fun!

OMFG! I was so tired last night! i fell asleep like instantly. So about the dance! It was really fun. But like halfway through. and the actual setting gets a big LAME. and it was really awkward! at first...but then i realized i was not going to be able to do anything better..so i enjoyed it. and i didn't like half the songs that they played...or i didn't know them...yeesh...you'd think I would be less picky.

and Urban Outfitters...Those hot shirts iolanthe and I bought? Urban outfitters...and the next time I need a dress I am so getting it there...i was going to get this really soft silkish (transparent) shirt but then i didn't...becuase it didn't really fit me. and because ms.fashionista iolanthe thought i looked better in the other one...haha...sorry about the nickname.

so yeah...and i didn't really dance with anyone...except for nomi...and idalis..but she didn't want to be the man! lol...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Friday right?

so are you guys phyched for the dance or what? i mean i cna knly imagine how lame the cafeteria is goin to look but uh..lets hope its fun. No one asked me and I dont really plan on asking anybody so im pretty happy as it is...i mean linoleum floors can only be THAT romantic. Right you lovebirds? and plus its WAAAAY less awkward to go with your friends..kinda know what I mean... and how do you get those computer hearts? besides these <3 i mean...

so whatcha guys wearing? claire asked me this and it completely slipped my mind...AAAH! i hope im not underdressed or anything...I tried to search H&M but all it had were these dramatic models...that reminds me, really pretty people standing next to me get me depressed becuase its kindof like "why wasn't I born like that?!" but today is an ugly day so...i mean its beautifl but i fell kind of ugly? catch my drift?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


my little sister...bridget yeah? well she says some of the weirdest things..like:

1. I have such a weird sister(hehe wonder where she thought that one up?)
2. A person can live 3 years without food...which is bull**** of course
3. Why do you piss me all the time?

like wtf? Have I been talking too much? maybe I should shut this big mouth of mine. and oh i thought up the most ingenious slogan for hatshepsut...don't call it dumb or steal it please...

Friends don't let friends vote for Cleopatra
Hatshepsut for Pharaoh!

and then theres like this pharaoh crown drawn on to the h in hatshepsut ^--^

Friday, January 30, 2009

a little emo spirit never hurts, it CUTS! haha.

so guys...what is it with these little kid books? they are so frikin depressing! like I just read this one called Puppies for Sale. this is what happens:

Kid: I want to buy a dog but im so poor I have 2dollars, cna i look at the puppies?

Store owner: ok

(puppies run over but there is one who drags behind)

Kid:OMG! A defect! I want it!

Store owner: NO you don't. hes missing a hip socket. (?)

Kid: Listen pops, ill buy that dog.

Store owner: hes not going to run very well

Kid: (pulls up pant leg, and there happens to be a METAL BRACE in the place of his leg! wtf! disturbing much!) the puppy needs someone who understands!

okay, so this is a exaggeration but still! how annoyingly sad can you get? Bridget is growing to grow up sobbing into a tissue everywhere if this continues...

wah! i need a picture to cheer me up:

the guy who is blond
(yes THE GUY)is who i wnat to cosplay for halloween. I may or may not be sucessful. I love their clothes here. Especially bou. (the pink smile swearshirt) aaaaw! :)

Everyone else: THEY LOOK SOOO EMO!

aaargh! grow up a little.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

hey! im watching chinese tv right now in the comfort of my own home...bridget is being a pain same old same old. BUT...happy chinese new year! you guys go out there and eat your peppered meat that was hanging on the window. ill just stick with my protein eggs...lol.

OMG! I saw a magician today! but he was awful! so that sort of ruined it! like one of his tricks was to put a ring inside a egg. but it was so obvious how he did it...i mean...you cn only get so pathetic. bridget is obsessed with spongebob. personally i hate it...ughh..my eyes are getting so tired. is anyone reading this damn thing? and I still have to do my pyramid ad. ON THE COMPUTER! groan...

cheer me up with some nice comments will you? :P haha. i love this font.

Friday, January 23, 2009

whats up?

hello, i have been busy and overwhelmed and here I a mtyping. I hope I don't bore you. my blog is so hayley(greenhill) . well, i mean its not like oh, emma's blog is so impostor. get it? and ms.flint changed our seats. she passed around a seating plan for us to write in ourselves and i wrote "nooooooo!" i sit next to aaron m. fuck. oops, I should ahve bleeped that out. your parents must really think im a bad child by now. i am. the first step of a criminal is denial so im clear. or in milo's words FRIKIN INNOCENT! this is a short post. the ELA killed me. i want to write up that stupid test.

Monday, January 19, 2009

she aint got class that whore

okay guys, just random stuff. it has been a while since I just randomly ranted. plus i need your guys feed back, would you tell me when im getting boring? this means you emma. but anyway should I talk about things I like or things I hate more often? okay, since I know people love stupid stuff like talking about your crush yadayada and im pretty sure its all girls who read this thing...match me up with the hottest celbrity you can think of! omg! no. no. no. please do not do that. PLEASE. Oh no. i need to post a photo. just take a look at this cutie. lol, i never was a guy freak but anything to please my readers!

please don't say he's ugly. or...i wont love you anymore.
and hows that for a threat? if you're annoying you'll say "but you never loved me in the first place" oh please,SHADDUP. (:

but anyway.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

guys! it had been so long! thank you so much for keeping upthat endless support. but im back and were going to roll with it! forgive my typing inablities and long paragraphs. allright lets get this train moving! sorry, stupid phrase but i so saw an oppurtunity.

okay, so most of you know how i got...well robbed but thats over and out so im bringing you something crime related but its not serious. at all. you might even crack a smile.

okay, so I was at the police headquarters and the "detective" was talking to me and after he was done questioning me with stuff like" oh, well did you see the guy's face?' and"when was this?" I was in his office and we were just having a conversation...

D: have you never heard of boys II men?
Me: um. no.
D: really? you've never heard its so hard to say good bye?"
(whips out ipod touch and plays it)
Me: no.
d: wow, I feel so old.
M: well, i don't know a lot of musci, like I didn't know what stevie wonder was until last year.
D: (sucks in breath) okay, now i don't feel too bad.

and it went on and on and on...until...

M: did he beat you? (his son challenged him to a competition)
D: no. im not going to lose to a twenty year old.

idalis would have loved this guy. haha. and guys, if any of you are on facebook. for pete's sake, friend me!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

hayley greenhill sends her love

okay guys, im also on xanga.com but I don't like it that much, the only good thing is that you can actually move the pictures. But if you want to check it out or make your own blog(with stupid ads on the side , heres my link:http://www.xanga.com/seab4life

also there are other blog sites.



so if you don't like blogger, try of those. everything has passed for a while so im back to rambling on about stupid things, oh and this blog. well, its just a subject really but so true.


you should check it out,

http://www.mancouch.com/ is a really funny website...well it has some weird humor that you wouldn't get probably but for my immature self its pretty amusing. oh, and I heard decode on the radio today :)

I might have told you this aready but massive popularity is overrated. Also true with people. Not if you have a lot of friends though, its different, Im talking about liking people for their hair color and shit like that. anyway, thanks for bearing with me through vacation. see you tomorrow!

if I live...

oh and nina, i didn't forget about you or anything...and from now on to you, my name is hayley greenhill XD, cant risk getting jumped...or something...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

hey everybody! it turns out I am here after all! you knew you missed me... and if you're about to go out may I say that
My Winter Poem
by Hayley greenhill
the wind is biting
the chills are frit'nin
my nose is numb
from dreams of plums...

okay, just had to get that little sentiment onto the computer. happy 2009! am i done? you wish. I will never be done! I still have to tell you everything that has happened in my life for the past 24 hours. my sister is mad at me....

actually this is my first post for 2009 so I ought to make it extra special, and if I'm not mistaken, I think its one of my friends birthdays...maybe, I never remember anybody's birthday unless it contains the number 16... anyway, happy birthday what ever your pen name is, the person who made the blog with a big mouth. 12 birthday wishes for you.

1. as I always say, never leave a chicken broiling without parental supervision.
2. I hope you live to 18. I mean, at least...XD
3. hugs and flowers!
4. and a virtual present...i don't know your email and you don't have a facebook so I'm just going to tell you that i got you a muffin.

oh, i was in FAO Schwartz today and there was this big piano thing, its like a touchscreen piano where you jump on, like in blues clues except more real, way way way more real. I could have waited in line and then jumped out Born For This, but I hate little kids so I had a reprehensible desire to leave. and i discovered that 50$ dollar ugly dolls were going for freaking 10 bucks! my favorite is jericho or whatever. he's so like me. (oh my god! stop asking him questions! lol) If they go bankrupt I'm going to cry... I love expensive children's stores! I hate toys r' us though because its so comercialzed. or however the hell you spell that.

comment guys. please! or i might abandon this blog and start another at a comepletely randomized SECRET location. just letting you know(smile)

just wait till next year!