heey heyy

so yeah. read my blog. and enjoy it cuz you know if you didn't enjoy it it would probably be...UNENJOYAABLE! so yeah it's not really an option. you know im talking too much.

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um...single.ahahaha.turtles breathe through their butts. oh yeah, make me a gay joke and i'll never smile sincerely at you agian. unless you're "allie". in which case ill just roll my eyes. not that she is special just people are like that...

Friday, February 20, 2009

hello hello!

ok, despuite the fact that i have completely run dry of creative titles for my posts im still sitting in a deep pool of thought. (and hows that for a visual picture?!) so i was thinking. what if, what if...one day there's such thing as a blogging olympics? like there will be faceoffs of who can type more and still stay interesting! and...and ! we can have post topics and have a "annonymous judge" decide who is best! and nobody will cry. BECAUSE CRYING IS NOT A OPTION!

and there's this joke from orange county i want to share with you! (caution! may be offensive)

vicki; yay! im back at home with my people. (leans to lady nex to her) no, like you're literally my people, i love you guys!

jeana: ...

vicki: it feels so good to be with my people

jeana: (vein pops)

vicki; you guys are my people!

jeana: (in the panel later) vicki keeps going your my people, im back with my people. im sitting there going "who are you? hitler?" (laughs humorlessly)

im soooo sorry if that's offensive but it was funny....don't think im rude! (breaks down weeping ) i got a new smiley :V he's the oh-no guy.


Mandy said...

omg! blog Olympics! that would be soooo cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!!!!!!!!!
Is Iolanthe's sister going to judge?
Or does SHE think blogging's emo too? What country am I going to support? Hmmm....