heey heyy

so yeah. read my blog. and enjoy it cuz you know if you didn't enjoy it it would probably be...UNENJOYAABLE! so yeah it's not really an option. you know im talking too much.

About Me

My photo
um...single.ahahaha.turtles breathe through their butts. oh yeah, make me a gay joke and i'll never smile sincerely at you agian. unless you're "allie". in which case ill just roll my eyes. not that she is special just people are like that...

Friday, January 30, 2009

a little emo spirit never hurts, it CUTS! haha.

so guys...what is it with these little kid books? they are so frikin depressing! like I just read this one called Puppies for Sale. this is what happens:

Kid: I want to buy a dog but im so poor I have 2dollars, cna i look at the puppies?

Store owner: ok

(puppies run over but there is one who drags behind)

Kid:OMG! A defect! I want it!

Store owner: NO you don't. hes missing a hip socket. (?)

Kid: Listen pops, ill buy that dog.

Store owner: hes not going to run very well

Kid: (pulls up pant leg, and there happens to be a METAL BRACE in the place of his leg! wtf! disturbing much!) the puppy needs someone who understands!

okay, so this is a exaggeration but still! how annoyingly sad can you get? Bridget is growing to grow up sobbing into a tissue everywhere if this continues...

wah! i need a picture to cheer me up:

the guy who is blond
(yes THE GUY)is who i wnat to cosplay for halloween. I may or may not be sucessful. I love their clothes here. Especially bou. (the pink smile swearshirt) aaaaw! :)

Everyone else: THEY LOOK SOOO EMO!

aaargh! grow up a little.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

hey! im watching chinese tv right now in the comfort of my own home...bridget is being a pain same old same old. BUT...happy chinese new year! you guys go out there and eat your peppered meat that was hanging on the window. ill just stick with my protein eggs...lol.

OMG! I saw a magician today! but he was awful! so that sort of ruined it! like one of his tricks was to put a ring inside a egg. but it was so obvious how he did it...i mean...you cn only get so pathetic. bridget is obsessed with spongebob. personally i hate it...ughh..my eyes are getting so tired. is anyone reading this damn thing? and I still have to do my pyramid ad. ON THE COMPUTER! groan...

cheer me up with some nice comments will you? :P haha. i love this font.

Friday, January 23, 2009

whats up?

hello, i have been busy and overwhelmed and here I a mtyping. I hope I don't bore you. my blog is so hayley(greenhill) . well, i mean its not like oh, emma's blog is so impostor. get it? and ms.flint changed our seats. she passed around a seating plan for us to write in ourselves and i wrote "nooooooo!" i sit next to aaron m. fuck. oops, I should ahve bleeped that out. your parents must really think im a bad child by now. i am. the first step of a criminal is denial so im clear. or in milo's words FRIKIN INNOCENT! this is a short post. the ELA killed me. i want to write up that stupid test.

Monday, January 19, 2009

she aint got class that whore

okay guys, just random stuff. it has been a while since I just randomly ranted. plus i need your guys feed back, would you tell me when im getting boring? this means you emma. but anyway should I talk about things I like or things I hate more often? okay, since I know people love stupid stuff like talking about your crush yadayada and im pretty sure its all girls who read this thing...match me up with the hottest celbrity you can think of! omg! no. no. no. please do not do that. PLEASE. Oh no. i need to post a photo. just take a look at this cutie. lol, i never was a guy freak but anything to please my readers!

please don't say he's ugly. or...i wont love you anymore.
and hows that for a threat? if you're annoying you'll say "but you never loved me in the first place" oh please,SHADDUP. (:

but anyway.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

guys! it had been so long! thank you so much for keeping upthat endless support. but im back and were going to roll with it! forgive my typing inablities and long paragraphs. allright lets get this train moving! sorry, stupid phrase but i so saw an oppurtunity.

okay, so most of you know how i got...well robbed but thats over and out so im bringing you something crime related but its not serious. at all. you might even crack a smile.

okay, so I was at the police headquarters and the "detective" was talking to me and after he was done questioning me with stuff like" oh, well did you see the guy's face?' and"when was this?" I was in his office and we were just having a conversation...

D: have you never heard of boys II men?
Me: um. no.
D: really? you've never heard its so hard to say good bye?"
(whips out ipod touch and plays it)
Me: no.
d: wow, I feel so old.
M: well, i don't know a lot of musci, like I didn't know what stevie wonder was until last year.
D: (sucks in breath) okay, now i don't feel too bad.

and it went on and on and on...until...

M: did he beat you? (his son challenged him to a competition)
D: no. im not going to lose to a twenty year old.

idalis would have loved this guy. haha. and guys, if any of you are on facebook. for pete's sake, friend me!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

hayley greenhill sends her love

okay guys, im also on xanga.com but I don't like it that much, the only good thing is that you can actually move the pictures. But if you want to check it out or make your own blog(with stupid ads on the side , heres my link:http://www.xanga.com/seab4life

also there are other blog sites.



so if you don't like blogger, try of those. everything has passed for a while so im back to rambling on about stupid things, oh and this blog. well, its just a subject really but so true.


you should check it out,

http://www.mancouch.com/ is a really funny website...well it has some weird humor that you wouldn't get probably but for my immature self its pretty amusing. oh, and I heard decode on the radio today :)

I might have told you this aready but massive popularity is overrated. Also true with people. Not if you have a lot of friends though, its different, Im talking about liking people for their hair color and shit like that. anyway, thanks for bearing with me through vacation. see you tomorrow!

if I live...

oh and nina, i didn't forget about you or anything...and from now on to you, my name is hayley greenhill XD, cant risk getting jumped...or something...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

hey everybody! it turns out I am here after all! you knew you missed me... and if you're about to go out may I say that
My Winter Poem
by Hayley greenhill
the wind is biting
the chills are frit'nin
my nose is numb
from dreams of plums...

okay, just had to get that little sentiment onto the computer. happy 2009! am i done? you wish. I will never be done! I still have to tell you everything that has happened in my life for the past 24 hours. my sister is mad at me....

actually this is my first post for 2009 so I ought to make it extra special, and if I'm not mistaken, I think its one of my friends birthdays...maybe, I never remember anybody's birthday unless it contains the number 16... anyway, happy birthday what ever your pen name is, the person who made the blog with a big mouth. 12 birthday wishes for you.

1. as I always say, never leave a chicken broiling without parental supervision.
2. I hope you live to 18. I mean, at least...XD
3. hugs and flowers!
4. and a virtual present...i don't know your email and you don't have a facebook so I'm just going to tell you that i got you a muffin.

oh, i was in FAO Schwartz today and there was this big piano thing, its like a touchscreen piano where you jump on, like in blues clues except more real, way way way more real. I could have waited in line and then jumped out Born For This, but I hate little kids so I had a reprehensible desire to leave. and i discovered that 50$ dollar ugly dolls were going for freaking 10 bucks! my favorite is jericho or whatever. he's so like me. (oh my god! stop asking him questions! lol) If they go bankrupt I'm going to cry... I love expensive children's stores! I hate toys r' us though because its so comercialzed. or however the hell you spell that.

comment guys. please! or i might abandon this blog and start another at a comepletely randomized SECRET location. just letting you know(smile)

just wait till next year!