heey heyy

so yeah. read my blog. and enjoy it cuz you know if you didn't enjoy it it would probably be...UNENJOYAABLE! so yeah it's not really an option. you know im talking too much.

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um...single.ahahaha.turtles breathe through their butts. oh yeah, make me a gay joke and i'll never smile sincerely at you agian. unless you're "allie". in which case ill just roll my eyes. not that she is special just people are like that...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

after school starts im probably not going to be able to do as much blogging as i do now so ive decided to make an extra long post to make up for all the times im going to be away...anyway ever since the olypics ended im going to have nothing to watch...except for all those stupid reality shows i watch lets see...parental control,next,date my ex(what kind of man helps his ex get a new girlfriend),super sweet sixteen(which is one of the stupistest reality shows you will ever watch)shear genius,oh yeah and i also watch what not to wear which is also pretty dumb.this just shows how bored i can get,like once school starts ill be like happy for a week then its going to be like why the h-e-double chopsticks did i want to go back to school?and you know how some people go to like paris and germany and all well i get to go to new hampshire riding the amtrak,no not even the plane,we have to take the amtrak.how wonderful, ive always wanted to ride on a train, otherwise known as a subway...icould cry...anyway enough stuff to make me feel like my summer has been worhtless anyway i found this website http://en.dawanda.com/product/78842-SWEET-ORIGINAL-ONIGIRI-KEYCHAIN-KAWAII-CUTE and iam so going shopping there from now on.http://www.designedtowin.com/id78.html oh and this one too it has aplush of seabiscuit! this just proves that theres a website for everything!even like online reading!

Friday, August 15, 2008

hey whatsup you know i dont think anybody is reading my blog for like some reason so im just going to hope that my blog doesnt fail miserably anyway i now have a love 4 korean food its really spicy though, actually all aisian food is good not to be racist or anything...all american food is good... oh man im really hungry now. this is like the second hungriest ive ever been the first would have been when i got my passport, i had to eat at mcdonalds,MCDONALDS! well i was hungry...and seven. you know mcdonalds gives their workers minimal wage!shame,shame,shame.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

okay yay i just added a calorie calculator omg..for my daily caloric needs..
so the weirdest thing happened to me i was like walking home right from the park and then this doll of homer simpson just drops out like in front of me out of nowhere..freaky. and it was sort of scary because you know how homer has like no eyelids...anyway i was wacthing mtv today and i think it was pete wentz who was like annoncing stuff..i think.i think i have a problem with like mtv im like addicted to al there stupid reality shows. parental control, next...that kind of stuff.i know as stupid as it is...

Friday, August 8, 2008

okay so anyway i made these carrot cupcakes, sigh yes with cakemix... but they were very good for cakemix cupcakes...and they were all like... yeah so light and airy.


oh dear i havent posted apicture in such a very long time... and here is the very awesome sheepstool i found online... whoa those carrot cupcakes are making me a bit lightheaded... but they were really good
okay so anyeay today is the start of the olympics yeah!ohmy god all of asudden its like no effort to type at all its like i'm typing wiht..with cottoncandy so anyway like i have dedicated myself to finding weird websites that have to do with either 1. food(cute and edible!XD) or 2. cute little animals like sheep, lets see if i can find one right now... www.geekalerts.com/tag/germany/ yes, yes, yes!!!! this is the best a sheep stool! shut up!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

today it was like a happy day because i finally managed to put thats what you get into piano notes!
and i figured out who is who in panic at the disco and actually something does rhyme wiht monh
billioth, trillionth...
as for orange...flange?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

tomg. i was so stupid so here i go right to open the freezer to get some ice and when i do... a huge tofu cube drops out and like smashes my toe. luckily it didnt break, im very careful to open the freezer from the side, just you know in case any other large objects decide to fall on my toe. actually it fell out like a few hours ago and i barely missed it. this will be astory to tell my grandchildren...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

so i was like thinking about this cat in a grocery store that looked like this:

i went to pet it every day he , wait no she liked me XD
okay its like really weird because there's like a playground right i go to, the kids their like to scream a lot and theyre doing construction so it sounds like theyre like chainsawing little kids. i know imagination is a strange thing.

Monday, August 4, 2008

um yo, ive noticed that their a lot of er...Freaks! commenting on my blog oh well its okay. iheart freaks. check out this person omg just your typical eyeliner wearing guy!