heey heyy

so yeah. read my blog. and enjoy it cuz you know if you didn't enjoy it it would probably be...UNENJOYAABLE! so yeah it's not really an option. you know im talking too much.

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um...single.ahahaha.turtles breathe through their butts. oh yeah, make me a gay joke and i'll never smile sincerely at you agian. unless you're "allie". in which case ill just roll my eyes. not that she is special just people are like that...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

okay, okay, so so sorry i have been away. anyway i was just thinking about all my classmates who are not reading this! yeah isent you a email a nd most people are like whatever. well you know what read my blog dont be a bum. OMg theres this freak in my school named um well...
anyway he was like on this other guy and he kissed the other guy's butt and he was like "his pants are dry" like major eew.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

OMG i heart this seal
omigod.i feel so like so stupid bewcause you know that game like crazt guitar maniac or something yeah in the begginning its like choose a guitar and it was like satan,stratocaster and like sunny, les paul and i always thought the guitar was actually called sunny les paul.

yo wasup anyway i was thinking if i had a kid i would name her shay. if it was a boy i would name him...well idont know shay too. heck its a multifunctional name. yeah! oh my god this puppy is so cute its like a polar bear but like not even.way cool.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

mew post! yeah.anyway have you ever noticed how like some people look so ugly in some pictures but then in the other pictures youre like aaah theyre like really attractive?i know but...guess who looks like perfect in every single picture...yeah hayley williams. i know.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

eh whazzup so anyway im like totally bored right now and like eating carrot
hey whasup, yeah i was away sorry. anyway as i was saying last time um...oh yeah!okay so its like really weird because i was in a elevator one day and like we went down to the basement and these people were like are you going up? and its like no freakin duh were going up, this is the last floor. anyway, i know this would be disloyal but (sniff,sniff) i might have to make another phillip.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

hey wasup.now that im free lets talk about your life. you know your looooooooooove life. just kidding.jeez.
hi i am another person im a guest speaker!!! woo woo woo no no applause needed i like chocolate yeah thats right i do i also like ice cream bye now its me again. just had to show whos boss, cant let crazed maniacs take over my blog...guest speaker again WHO ARE YOU CALLING A CRAZED MANIAC *runs around room and falls down*...
dear blog what is up.i cant tell you anything personal because my mom is ...watching mefrom her carboard box. no were not hobos my mom just likes carboard boxes... it runs in the family.what you've never seen a box lover before? jeez...
hey guys whats up. yeah. i know ive been away but ive been dealing with a loss. a death...of phillip. my turtle. oh well, i'm over that.blogging is so not emo. imean like soon everybody will have a blog and you'll be all like aaah why don't i have a blog? so get one and be cool...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

hey you know the picture i have at my blog, yeah i was reading a book called maximum ride where like there's this supposedly attractive emo guy... with wings so yeah. the picture is um ugly but hey...he has wings...

yay another post

hey to my friends if you are reading this right now... i really wanted to put a video on youtube but lets see did that happen? no. see my parents are so paranoid that they said i would have to wear a paper sack over my head... without eyeholes...talk about uptight.yeah. do you know what i really love? those people who are fat but still eat junkfood anyway? I mean isn't that great.

ha my very first post

hello world yeah you know how everybody is all like bloggers are emo? well guess what... they're not. (gasp) yeah.you heard what i said. damn doesn't this thing come with automatic capitilization?anyway this is like a big improvement compared to like writing a blog in my math notebook. i know. been there done that.aha. i just clicked spelllcheck and like the suggestion for emo was elmo. anyway by my title if you think im a freak.. get to know me, heres my number..just kidding.yeah isn't that strange-not letting the whole world see my personal info?(this goes for you natasha)see natasha is my very own... stalker! you should get one.